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Weeping won't last always, Joy comes in the morning!

I think we can all agree that across the globe people are encountering an unusual season of mourning. Just when we think the pandemic is over, bam - another variant is in the headlines. We lost four high school students this week in a horrible attack in Michigan, and no matter what manner of justice eventually comes down, none of those involved will ever be the same. 

If we are not personally impacted by this season of mourning, we all know someone close to us who is and that is why it is so crucial for us as the Body of Christ to lean and rely on The Word. In times like these, we must be like King David and look to the hills from where our help comes from. We must embrace one another, share words of encouragement and make a decision like Job, that no matter what comes we will trust in the LORD.

It is not easy, but we know from past deliverances, miracles, and encounters that He can be trusted and that He will make all things beautiful in their time.

 King Solomon wisely shared that to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). 

I have found that in whatever season we find ourselves in we should fully be present and learn all we can, for it will surely pass. No matter how sad, or how wonderful, all things will pass. This is the way our Creator made this life and who are we as the created to question or instruct Him?

I want to encourage everyone that the LORD is near those of a broken heart. He is not indifferent to human suffering and He does care. Like Job, we need to accept that we are simply incapable of grasping everything that happens in our lives. We can waste a lot of valuable time on this earth asking why, or we can do like successful people do and play the hand that has been dealt to us with the best of our ability. We can walk away from every experience in this life wiser, better, and stronger. We do not have to walk the roads of regret and bitterness, but like Ruth, we can move forward and see the LORD redeem us and make something beautiful from something ugly. We can rest in the promises of our GOD knowing that He will avenge us of all enemies, restore all that has been lost and redeem time wasted. He is a mighty GOD and being in relationship with Him has many benefits. Just ask Adam and Eve if they missed being in right standing with the LORD after they decided they knew more than Him.

Trust in the LORD with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

This is perhaps the most complete instruction one could follow if they were to choose just one scripture to build their life upon. Trust the LORD knowing that as the created it is impossible for us to know more than the Creator, but the closer we are to Him the more victorious we can be!

We must make gratitude our lifestyle. King David was able to survive the harsh conditions he endured under King Saul because He knew that GOD had made a promise to Him and He understood that no matter what happened, he would not be forsaken and left with no help. The beautiful Psalms we read were written in times of great distress for King David and many times he had to recall what the LORD had done in the past to encourage himself to hang on because GOD would do it again!

Another point of note is that none of what King David went through was wasted! He was well trained and never lost a battle due to this training. His combination of military might and reliance on Yahweh is what set Him apart from every other king of Israel, including his predecessor Saul. He was not perfect, but he knew who to call! Psalms 18 recounts that he would call on the name of the LORD, who was worthy to be praised! 

Let us be mindful that even in our darkest moments, our GOD is worthy of all praise and honor. We can never exhaust the reasons to praise the LORD for they are too many to enumerate. Job said it best that he would trust the Lord, even if He slew Him (Job 13:15) - wow, what a proclamation!

Thanksgiving is not only good for the soul, it demonstrates our trust in the LORD. When we are thankful in spite of the difficult seasons we walk through, we show the LORD that we are indeed doers of His Word and not just hearers. This is important for the times we are living in. As we see the signs of the times and the many who are falling away, we cannot think that we are too rooted to fall away, rather we should humbly ask the LORD to help us remain planted in Him so that we are not a victim of the enemy. 

Let us love GOD and love people as the LORD commands us. Blessed be the name of the LORD!

For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning (Psalms 30:5). Unlike the Old Testament believers, we have access to an inexhaustible supply of comfort through the Holy Spirit. He will comfort and counsel all who call upon Him in faith. We can call upon Him day or night and unlike people, He will not grow tired or ignore our calls. He is the only reason so many have been able to endure and overcome unimaginable pain.

Pain will not last always. Mourning will surely pass. What we do with these moments and how we allow them to impact our lives is what will last. If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ, you cannot access all the benefits that come with being in relationship with Him. Open your heart to His call and begin a new journey today!


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