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Showing posts from April, 2015

KEEP CALM: God has not forgotten about you. It's only a test!

When we feel deserted by God, or that we are being tested beyond our limits, we can be assured that there is a purpose.  Sometimes tests reveal areas within us we are unaware of, or think we've "mastered." We find ourselves responding in ways that even shock us.  At these times, we must simply ask for forgiveness and work on that area. God is faithful to forgive once we confess our sins.  More importantly, we must humble ourselves and seek His face. He knows more about us than we do yet still loves us.  So don't be discouraged if you fail a test (in your mind), because sometimes GOD is not testing us on what we think, rather testing our hearts and willingness to repent and move forward.  This race is not given to the swift or strong, rather to those who endure and keep going.  We can overcome. Our righteousness is not of ourselves.  

God's Word is true. Do you have what it takes to possess your Promised Land?

The children of Israel were tried, proved, and taken into the wilderness. This time in their lives was not permanent, but most of them had the mindset that it was. This caused them to prolong their time in the wilderness and delay their promise. The Lord never intended for their transitional period to become their home for 40 years.  How many of us get stuck in transitions? We must understand that our promised land includes all of the promises that we are seeking from God but have yet to possess. Possessing our promises requires diligence, obedience and war. Joshua led the children of Israel in many battles. But we also see the children of Israel losing battles where there was disobedience towards God.  There is a purpose in the battle.  So many times we want to possess financial freedom, healing, strength, joy, peace, and all the other promises given to us through Jesus Christ; but these promises come with a battle. We battle our former nature befor