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Jewels in the Rubble: Lessons Learned in Trials & Tribulation

This was written in May when a very personal loss disrupted my rest and peace. It is in these moments that we can really see if what we share with others is what we truly believe!

An exhortation to myself in a very low valley. May the LORD allow it to comfort and encourage anyone who needs to hear it in this season. Like King David said, we have to encourage ourselves in the LORD (1 Samuel 30:6)

What am I missing here...what is the lesson? 

I am stronger than this, better than this, more prepared than I appear to be. Why is this hitting me so hard and why am I allowing dust (mankind) to dictate how I feel?!

The devil is a LIAR! 

(John 8:44 GWT) ..."The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn’t know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he’s doing what comes naturally to him. He’s a liar and the father of lies."

GOD is my refuge and strength; a very present help in the time of trouble! (Jeremiah 16:19)


He hears. (Psalm 4:3 GWT)

He answers.

He comforts. 

He is aware. 

Woe unto my enemies and those that seek to take advantage of me. I am a child of the only LIVING GOD - YAHWEH! (Hebrews 10:31)

There is powerful revelation in storms, trials, and tribulation. If we get quiet and open our eyes, we are able to see and perceive what is being revealed. 

We have to learn to close our mouths when we cannot control the emotions that want to speak the opposite of what GOD says. It is for our good. We must give thanks in spite of how we feel. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

GOD is still GOD and He is still in control!

The same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave has strengthened me and comforted me (1 John 4:4; John 14:26). I know who I am and I know that my LORD fights for me (Deuteronomy 3:22; Psalm 24:8).

He is a Man of War and has never lost (Exodus 15:3). 

I need not worry or attempt to fight because the battle is the Lord’s (2 Chronicles 20:15)!

Blessed be the name of the LORD now and always for his mighty works and mercy shown towards us as the children of men (Psalm 107:31)

I want to encourage anyone who is reading this that it was not by accident. Yes, the LORD is speaking to you and He knows your pain, your struggle, and your needs. Do not let go of the LORD, He will never let go of you!

If you need to cry; cry - they are stored in a bottle, and in a book for a record before the LORD (Psalm 42:3; 56:8)!

If you want to scream; that helps too! The LORD created us with emotion and shares His deep emotions for us. His love is displayed in the crucifixion of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. 

His jealousy is shown when He allows the children of Israel to go into captivity because of their blatant idol worship and disregard for His commands, and His mercy is shown in allowing us to come near His throne.

 He is a Holy GOD and we are not capable of holiness without the blood of His Son. Emotions are natural; it is what we do with those emotions that make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us. 

We must learn to see trials as a natural part of our walk with Christ. It is only when we embrace the persecution that we are able to harness the power of what GOD is accomplishing in our lives. Remember, the Apostle Paul sent many letters of comfort and instruction while on death row. He was imprisoned for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His encounter with Christ was so life-altering that he counted it as a privilege and we never read one complaint from him. He was confident that what he was passing through would not last forever, and he continued to press towards the mark of perfection in Christ. If he did it in the first century, we can certainly do it now - by the grace of GOD.

Whatever you do, do not let go of your LORD! For cursed is the man that makes flesh his arm, but blessed are we who put our trust in the LORD (Jeremiah 17:5, 7)


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