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I'm Back -- Let's Talk About Faith

It has been almost 3 months since my last update, and there is really no excuse.  I have so much to share with you from my studies in HIS Word and I will be more accountable for making sure I post regularly. Let's talk about Faith!

Let's discuss Hebrews 11:1 
"Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"
Very few people are not familiar with this scripture. But very few people realize the gravity of it either. Faith is compared to tangible things in both instances -- substance and evidence. These are both things that can be seen or touched. Furthermore, evidence points to proof of something. 

How can you have faith, where does it come from, and why do you need it?

How can you have faith?

Everyone has a measure of faith, even unbelievers. We all know about oxygen that we inhale and carbon dioxide that we exhale. Failure to draw in oxygen will suffocate you and kill you. But can you see it? Where is it at? Can you touch it? No. But you know that it exists because holding your breathe or having any type of respiratory disease such as asthma will make it clear that O2 is a necessary component for life.

Where does faith come from?

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD. You must study your word regularly in order to have faith. How can you believe in something you passively make no attempt to learn about? If you believe in being healthy and fit, it causes you to act, to get up and exercise, right? Same concept here. Faith requires action!

It is easy to lose your faith when it is not reinforced through the constant renewing of your mind and GOD's Word. Another way to look at it is if you really have faith in GOD and HIS promises and laws, you would obey HIS commandments and seek HIM first in all things because HIS Word tells you to do so. Seeking HIM first requires you to read, study, and meditate in HIS Word so that you may know HIS will for you. How can you say that you have faith and you never pick up your Word? You don't. Sunday scripture reading at church or mass is not sufficient. That's like eating food on Sunday mornings and expecting to be lively and healthy the entire week. Makes no sense right?

Why do you need faith? 

Without faith it is impossible to please GOD. And if you believe in HIM, you definitely want to please HIM and attain every promise HE has for your life. Faith is effective for getting your prayers answered, bringing down strongholds, and an innumerable amount of other benefits. A study of the entire 11th chapter of Hebrews is an excellent place to begin a study on faith.

Our faith moves GOD to action. Sense HE is not a man that HE should lie, when we believe and stand on HIS Word without doubt, HE must move on our behalf. This is a biblical principle that has opened my eyes to many things and helped me understand why so many of my prayers have gone unanswered in the past. 

Faith is what gets GOD's attention. HE knows what HE promised and planned for your life but if you do not believe it, your actions and words will show it. 

What Faith WILL do:
  • Faith brings to life dead things. Situations in your life that seem impossible and lifeless can be resurrected by your faith. Read Ezekiel 37
  • Faith pleases GOD. Hebrews 11:6
  • Faith is the creative power for divine works (miracles) Hebrews 11:3
  • Faith cancels natural laws to bring the impossible to fruition -- Hebrews 11:5
  • Faith is a part of the Christian's daily armor and a necessary weapon to shield us from the devils fiery darts (lies he tries to tells us, diseases he wants us to accept, accepting what we see versus what GOD says we can have, etc) Ephesians 6:16
  • Faith is a guarantee to answered prayer!! When you pray the will of GOD (which you will know through relationship with HIM and studying HIS Word), you can get a 100% return on your prayer through faith. Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:22-24
Faith is a necessary tool for Christians in this world. We must be able to be confident in things we cannot see even more than the things we do see. We are pilgrims in a strange country, in the world but not of it. Building your faith is essential to being able to do this; and it starts in HIS Word. Faith will move mountains in your life. It will also afford you a more intimate relationship with the Father. 

Faith is also a weapon against the enemy. The enemy is very real. His only mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. Don't allow him to steal the one thing that will bring you through the tough circumstances in your life and cause GOD to move on your behalf -- your faith.

What has faith been able to accomplish for you?


  1. Great post, we certainly need faith to keep on keeping. I know faith has seen me thru the lowest valleys and the highest mountains:) Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is the great thing about faith, it works regardless of circumstances. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Love your insights on your blog as well.

    GOD bless,

  3. I would never "pass" on communion. That is the time to repent and be thankful for the body and blood of our Savior.

    Jesus said holding the cup..."this is my blood of the new covenant shed FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS. That's why we drink of the have our repented of sins forgiven.

  4. Hi Christian -

    Thank you for sharing this faith message. We do need to be reminded that the just shall live by faith.


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