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Endurance - Growing Up in the Faith

It takes endurance to grow up in life and in the faith. We go through seasons, we have ups and downs, and our perspective is constantly changing based on our knowledge and experiences.

It is enlightening when we start to compare spiritual and natural things in our lives. Though we are natural beings living as flesh, Christianity requires us to "set our affections on things above (Colossians 3:2)" as opposed to the world which follows after the "lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16)."

When we become born-again, we forget that we are newly born babes in Christ and often forget the stages of a baby. This can give us unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others.

Would you be upset with an infant for not going to the bathroom on their own, or not telling you when they want to eat instead of crying to get your attention?

Of course not. This is completely age appropriate behavior for an infant. But when the child matures the requirements change. This is just as it is with us.

Our Heavenly Father is far more protective, loving, and wise than the best parents on planet Earth. For his children, those who have professed Christ as Lord and Savior, we can be assured that in any and every circumstance, our Father is but a prayer away. 

We can also be assured that the trials and less-than-desirable circumstances that may come are designed to increase our spiritual fitness. Our ability to overcome temptation and snares of the enemy. Just as you can never gain muscle gain without lifting weights, you can also never grow up spiritually without trials, tribulations, and learning how to rely on the Word of God. 

This truth can be easily forgotten in the midst of a trial. We tend to forget this when the trials come one after another, and we often lose strength when being attacked on so many fronts. But this is absolutely necessary for our spiritual maturation. Enduring trials as good soldiers is part of growing up in Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3 tells us: "You therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."

If we are to be as Christ, the Son of GOD who casted out demons and healed the sick, we can expect the devil will throw every obstacle in our way he can think of. If our marriages are healthy, he'll attack our finances, or our kids. His goal is to wear us out so we will walk away from the Lord, lamenting that being on His side is not worth the fight, the struggle. 

But this is a deception. No matter what side you are on, LIFE will still happen. You might as well be on the side that is honest, true, loving, and willing to protect and care for you. This is why a relationship with Christ beyond church on Sundays is crucial. 

The Lord allows the attacks of the enemy to increase according to our ability to withstand and overcome. These necessary trials are just as effective as going to the gym is for the physical body. Without resistance and training, the body cannot grow stronger. A strong body is a healthy body. 

A strong spirit is a heathy spirit. Do not be afraid or lose sight of what the finish holds for you: VICTORY!

For we "overcome by the Blood of The Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelations 12:11)"


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