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Bear Fruit While You Wait!

As we wait on GOD to make things right in our lives, answer our prayers and give us the desire of our hearts -- we should ponder the things we think are important during this time.

Even while waiting on a move of God, a Healing, Restoration, or anything else, we are still able and required to bear positive fruit in our lives just as in any other season.

We might be struggling with something that hinders us from growth, or we may need to uproot some of the negative habits, thoughts, and people as we continue to grow.

God will make all things beautiful in His time ...(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

The best thing we can do in this situation is to tell GOD about it. He already knows, so why not verbalize what is already in our hearts?GOD honors our honesty and when we confess our sins and shortcomings.

  • Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge (Psalms 62:8) 
  • If we confess our sins then He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). 
Confess to The Lord that secret thing no one knows but consistently causes us to stumble. We can always be assured of His forgiveness when we ask Him, but we must be sure to forgive ourselves and not believe the lies of Satan.

We cannot allow any season in our lives to be like the fig tree that bore no fruit. Every circumstance and situation was already known to be in our lives by GOD, The Creator of all things - Jesus Christ. That is not to say HE orchestrated it or was the cause, our decisions and free will lead us down the paths we walk.

But bear fruit anyway. Don't allow the enemy to steal anything from you, even when he seems to have won the battle!


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